terms & conditions


If you are commissioning me you are directly agreeing to the following terms. Please read carefully before accepting.
I won't take responsibility if the client doesn't read my terms and conditions and isn't satisfied with my commission process once I start.

WILL DOOriginal Characters
Slight sexy/bloody
Commercial use commissions

WON'T DOOffensive content
NSFW (porn, gore...)
Realistic / hyper-realistic

I RESERVE THE RIGHTS TO♥ decline a commission for lack of time or if I don't see myself comfortable drawing it.♥ include the commission on my portfolio if considered.♥ share (or not sharing) the finished commission in my social media.♥ increase the total price if I see the commission has a considered level of detail, which will make me take longer than usual to finish.CLIENTS AREN'T ALLOWED TO♥ ask for a full refund beyond the first check point, which is when the sketch is done
(only 50% will be refunded if I haven't started the lineart phase)
♥ ask for a full refund once their commission is almost finished or fully finished, since I already invested my time and effort on creating it.♥ share the commission on social media without my permission or without giving me credit


Personal Use Commissions♥ Clients can't use the commission for commercial uses such as making merchandising with it, selling it at conventions and online stores.Client owns the drawing but doesn't own its rights.
For commercial use commissions I have a Google form and price sheet specifically for this kind of commissions. Prices for commercial use commissions increase between a 50% and a 150% the base price.
(go back to the commissions page and scroll down until the end of the page)

Commercial Use Commissions♥ Clients can use the commission for their own benefit. Making merch with the design is allowed.♥ Future royalties for the artist won't be necessary.♥ Artist reserves the right to make "cheap merch" with the design, such as prints or stickers... the client will be the only one allowed to make merchandising.♥ Mutual shout-out.
Both the client and the artist will make promotion on their social media about each other.

DEADLINESIf your commission must be completed by an specific date, please let me know in the form.
I highly recommend you to choose a date so I can prioritize tasks, but if it's really no rush then leave the form box blank (but please understand if your commission takes longer than 2 or 3 weeks).
+ 25% of base price will be added if your commission needs to be done in less than a week
+ 40% of base price will be added if your commission needs to be done in the next 4 days
I don't take rush orders that need to be done in the next 2-3 days
PAYMENT♥ I reserve the right to increase the total price if I see the commission has a considered level of detail.1. When the client receives my email with the paypal invoice that means I accepted and I'm available to draw the commission.
Client will be added to my waiting list until payment is fulfilled. If by any case I don't accept the request or if the client doesn't receive any invoice from me in 3 days, I'll reach out asap explaining the reasons (lack of time, full slots, etc.)
2. Commission won't be started until the paypal invoice I sent the client is 100% paid.
(For commissions that need to be paid in 2 payments (50/50) please contact me first. I can start the sketch stage when 50% is paid and then continue it when the other 50% of the total price is paid. With no refund option.)
♥ If the client doesn't receive any answer from me in 3 days please contact me in case I missed this form.
CHECK POINTS1. First sketch will be handed over for the client's further approval, that is the only moment when they can suggest to add, remove or make big changes on the illustration.2. I will proceed with the commission once I have the client's approval. I won't take responsibility for any delays on the deadline if the client takes too long on giving me an aswer.♥ I will only accept small changes beyond that check point, if the client wants to change a great part or the whole drawing and I have to start over again that will mean additional charges will be required in order for the commission to be finished.

Any further inquiries you have, you can either contact me via
Instagram DMs or leave your questions in my email inbox:

© Untitled. All rights reserved. Images by Unsplash and Linea.